Resonant Fractional Conductance in 1D Wigner Chains

Offered By: PCS Institute for Basic Science via YouTube


Quantum Transport Courses Solitons Courses One-Dimensional Systems Courses

Course Description


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Explore the intriguing phenomenon of resonant fractional conductance in one-dimensional Wigner chains in this hour-long lecture. Delve into recent experimental findings on weakly confined quantum point contacts, which have revealed conductance plateaus at fractions of the quantum of conductance without the presence of a magnetic field. Examine a discrete model of strongly interacting one-dimensional electrons, where fractionally charged solitons are responsible for current transport between weakly connected contacts. Discover how the conductance remains unaffected by channel interactions for spinless electrons, while the spinful case exhibits peak conductance at even-denominator fractions of the quantum of conductance. Gain insights into this cutting-edge research in quantum physics and its implications for understanding electron behavior in confined systems.


Rose Davies, Resonant fractional conductance in 1D Wigner chains

Taught by

PCS Institute for Basic Science

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