Coulomb Blockade in a Non-Thermalised Quantum Dot
Offered By: PCS Institute for Basic Science via YouTube
Course Description
Explore the non-equilibrium transport properties of quantum dots in the Coulomb blockade regime through this in-depth lecture. Delve into the localization transition in Fock space that occurs below a critical energy, examining the resulting non-ergodic phase and its similarities to many-body localization. Investigate how the absence of thermalization affects electron behavior on quantum dots using quantum kinetic equation analysis. Discover the emergence of a double-step feature in the dot's distribution and its impact on conductance. Learn about a potential method for determining whether a quantum dot is in a non-thermalized state based on conductance peak observations. Gain insights into advanced concepts in quantum physics and their applications in nanoelectronics.
Rose Davies, Coulomb blockade in a non-thermalised quantum dot
Taught by
PCS Institute for Basic Science
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