Adventures in Compatibility - Emulating CPython's C API in PyPy
Offered By: EuroPython Conference via YouTube
Course Description
Explore the intricacies of PyPy's compatibility with CPython's C API in this 30-minute talk from EuroPython 2018. Dive into the world of PyPy, a fast and compliant Python implementation, and learn about its cpyext emulation layer. Discover how PyPy bridges the gap between different implementation languages and object models to support C extensions and Cython-based libraries. Gain insights into the operating principles of cpyext and understand the complexities involved in running libraries like numpy on PyPy. Familiarize yourself with PyPy's goals, current status, and roadmap while delving into the challenges of handling C extensions in this alternative Python interpreter.
Ronan Lamy - Adventures in compatibility emulating CPython's C API in PyPy
Taught by
EuroPython Conference
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