Protecting Public Health: FDA's Role in Regulating Food, Drugs, and Medical Products

Offered By: The Aspen Institute via YouTube


Public Health Courses Health Policy Courses Opioid Crisis Courses

Course Description


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Explore a comprehensive conversation with FDA Commissioner Robert Califf on protecting public health, covering topics from baby formula shortages to vaccine authorizations. Delve into the FDA's regulatory responsibilities, including its oversight of $2.7 trillion worth of food, medical products, and tobacco. Examine controversial decisions such as the COVID-19 vaccine authorization, menthol cigarette ban, and infant formula plant shutdown. Investigate the agency's limitations in dietary supplement regulation, drug pricing influence, and food import inspections due to resource constraints. Gain insights into pressing health issues like the Roe v. Wade decision, e-cigarette regulations, the opioid crisis, and combating health disinformation. Learn about the FDA's efforts to rebuild public trust and navigate conflicts of obligation in its mission to protect public health.


The mission of the FDA
Roe v Wade
Attorney General Garland
FDAs decision on JUUL
Vaping products
Nicotine in cigarettes
Reality check
University research
Infant formula crisis
How could the FDA have a problem
Lack of supply chain information
Will this happen again
Opioid review
Disinformation the leading cause of death
Deaths from cancer and heart disease
How to rebuild trust
Advertising and Supplements
Conflict of Obligation
PostMarket Surveillance

Taught by

The Aspen Institute

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