Road to Zero Lint Failures: Tackling Code Quality Challenges at Scale

Offered By: Conf42 via YouTube


Code Quality Courses Javascript Courses Software Engineering Courses Static Code Analysis Courses Technical Debt Courses Prettier Courses

Course Description


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Explore a comprehensive conference talk on tackling code quality challenges at scale through the implementation of lint rules. Learn about the benefits of automated linting and Prettier, understand the importance of expanding the "well-lit path" in coding practices, and discover strategies for managing code quality in large-scale projects. Delve into the process of limiting lint failures, including the use of incentives and tooling for engineers. Gain insights on implementing a "Road to Zero Lint Failures" initiative, featuring techniques such as single file ownership, lint failure visualization, and weekly scorecards. Examine the journey towards sustainability in code quality management, and review key results and statistics from a successful lint failure reduction project.


why lint rules?
example: no-unsafe-optional-chaining
expand the "well lit path"
let's add all the lint rules!
code quality at scale
campsite analogy
how to limit even more lint failures
campsite analogy revisited
how to limit even more lint failures revisited
lint rule process: all existing failutres must be resolved
how to fix it: road to zero lint failures
incentives, incentives, incentives!
road to zero lint failures
how we ran it
tooling for engineers
single owner per file
lint failure visualizer
collect data from sarif and match by team
weekly scorecard
dealing with the last mile
road to zero journey
sustainability is key
key results and next steps
road to zero lint failures stats
thank you

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