A 1.5-Approximation for Path TSP

Offered By: Hausdorff Center for Mathematics via YouTube


Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP) Courses Algorithm Design Courses Dynamic programming Courses Combinatorial Optimization Courses Approximation Algorithms Courses

Course Description


Explore a groundbreaking lecture on the Metric Path Traveling Salesman Problem (path TSP), presenting a 1.5-approximation algorithm. Delve into the innovative approach that deviates from previous techniques by focusing on larger s-t cuts rather than solely on narrow cuts. Discover how a variation of dynamic programming, combined with Karger's seminal result on near-minimum cuts, leads to a well-structured point in the Held-Karp relaxation. Learn about this simpler algorithm that matches Christofides' unbeaten 1.5-approximation guarantee for TSP without introducing additional error terms. Gain insights into how this advancement could potentially lead to improvements in TSP approximation algorithms.


Rico Zenklusen: A 1.5-approximation for path TSP

Taught by

Hausdorff Center for Mathematics

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