Rewriting the Genome with CRISPR - Revolutionizing Genetic Research

Offered By: TEDx via YouTube


CRISPR Courses Biotechnology Courses Molecular Biology Courses DNA Courses Genetic Engineering Courses Genome Editing Courses Stem Cell Biology Courses

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Explore the groundbreaking world of CRISPR technology and genetic research in this 15-minute TEDx talk by Dr. Debojyoti Chakraborty, a senior scientist at the Council of Scientific & Industrial Research. Delve into the complexities of DNA and learn about revolutionary advancements in genome editing, including efforts to cure sickle-cell anemia. Gain insights into the nature of lab testing in India and the future of genetic research from a leading expert in molecular biology, embryonic stem cell biology, and CRISPR diagnostics. Discover how cutting-edge scientific developments are shaping our understanding of human genetics and paving the way for potential medical breakthroughs.


Rewriting the Genome with CRISPR | Debojyoti Chakraborty | TEDxShivNadarUniversity

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