Revolving Water Funds

Offered By: Australian Water School via YouTube


Hydrology Courses Water Management Courses Environmental Conservation Courses Water Conservation Courses

Course Description


Explore the concept of revolving water funds in this 51-minute webinar from the Australian Water School. Learn about sustainable financing and funding mechanisms for waterway and catchment conservation investments without relying on grants. Discover how revolving funds have been successfully implemented in land management and biodiversity conservation in Australia, and how they are now being applied to waterway and catchment investments. Gain insights into the potential for scaling up these mechanisms in the Australian context. Examine two leading examples of successful revolving water funds: the US Brandywine-Christina Revolving Water Fund and the Australian Murray-Darling Balanced Water Fund. Understand the demand for financing, opportunities for funding, and the unique advantages of water assets in this context. Delve into topics such as wetlands, the Clean Water Act, and specific case studies from the Southern Murray-Darling Basin and Brandywine Christina Watershed.


Demand for financing
Opportunities for financing
Why water well
How water assets work
Southern MurrayDarling Basin
Balanced Water Fund
Brandywine Christina Watershed
Clean Water Act
Wrap up

Taught by

Australian Water School

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