Retro6502 for 8-bit Development - Smashing a Mosquito with a Pile Driver

Offered By: The Julia Programming Language via YouTube


Julia Courses Game Development Courses Assembly Language Courses 6502 Microprocessor Courses

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Explore the Retro6502 Julia package for 8-bit microprocessor development in this JuliaCon 2024 conference talk. Dive into the world of 6502 programming with a focus on the VIC-20 and Commodore-64 architectures. Learn how Retro6502 streamlines the development process by allowing Julia code to interoperate with 6502 code inside an emulator, reducing development time and easing the pain points of assembly language programming. Discover features such as a Julia REPL extension with live coding capabilities, a custom assembler using Julia as the scripting language, and exciting future directions including rewindable execution and divergent future screens based on input variations. Gain insights into debugging techniques, including breakpoints and watchpoints that invoke custom Julia code, and explore the potential for extending the package to support other architectures like Atari, Apple II, and NES.


Retro6502 for 8-bit dev: smashing a mosquito with a pile driver | R Burdick | JuliaCon 2024

Taught by

The Julia Programming Language

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