Apache Kafka Without ZooKeeper - Transitioning to KRaft

Offered By: CNCF [Cloud Native Computing Foundation] via YouTube


Apache Kafka Courses Kubernetes Courses Microservices Courses Distributed Systems Courses Data Streaming Courses Raft Consensus Algorithm Courses Strimzi Courses

Course Description


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Explore the significant architectural shift in Apache Kafka as it moves away from Apache ZooKeeper to its own Raft-inspired implementation called KRaft. Delve into the advantages of this change, its impact on existing ZooKeeper-based Kafka clusters, and the challenges of using KRaft on Kubernetes. Learn about the modifications made to the Strimzi project to accommodate KRaft, and witness a demonstration of Strimzi's KRaft support. Gain insights into how this transition affects Kafka users, particularly those running Kafka on Kubernetes, and understand the main limitations and challenges associated with this new architecture.


Released From the Cage: Apache Kafka Without Its ZooKeeper - Jakub Scholz, Red Hat

Taught by

CNCF [Cloud Native Computing Foundation]

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