Relative Symplectic Cohomology of Pairs

Offered By: Institute for Advanced Study via YouTube


Symplectic Geometry Courses Symplectic Manifolds Courses

Course Description


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Explore the concept of relative symplectic cohomology of pairs in this 54-minute seminar talk from the Symplectic Geometry Seminar series at the Institute for Advanced Study. Delve into Adi Dickstein's presentation, where the Tel Aviv University researcher introduces a generalization of the recently developed relative symplectic cohomology invariant to pairs of subsets in a symplectic manifold. Learn about the properties shared with singular cohomology of pairs, including excision and product structure. Discover new symplectic rigidity phenomena demonstrated through this innovative invariant. Gain insights into the collaborative work of Dickstein, Yaniv Ganor, Leonid Polterovich, and Frol Zapolsky as they expand upon Varolgunes' original concept.


Relative Symplectic Cohomology of Pairs - Adi Dickstein

Taught by

Institute for Advanced Study

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