Reflections on Cylindrical Contact Homology - Jo Nelson

Offered By: Institute for Advanced Study via YouTube


Symplectic Geometry Courses Contact Geometry Courses

Course Description


Explore the intricacies of cylindrical contact homology in this advanced mathematics seminar presented by Jo Nelson from Rice University. Delve into the evolution of contact geometry, examining the existence of periodic orbits and the machinery invented to study them. Investigate the concept of regularity in domain-dependent J, the introduction of point constraints, and the emergence of cascade moduli spaces. Analyze the development of a new chain complex and the rise of obstruction bundles. Conclude with an in-depth look at obstruction bundle gluing setup and the resulting gluing obstruction, gaining valuable insights into this complex area of symplectic geometry.


Reeb vector fields
A new era of contact geometry
Existence of periodic orbits
The machinery that was invented
Cylindrical contact homology
The return of regularity (domain dependent J)
Enter the point constraints
Enter the cascade moduli spaces
A new hope for a chain complex
Rise of the obstruction bundes
Revenge of the obstruction bundles
Obstruction bundle gluing setup
The gluing obstruction

Taught by

Institute for Advanced Study

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