Reducing the Distance Between the Swampland and the Bootstrap - Irene Valenzuela (CERN)

Offered By: Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics via YouTube


Conformal Field Theory Courses Black Holes Courses Quantum Gravity Courses Holography Courses Supersymmetry Courses S-Matrix Courses Holographic CFTs Courses

Course Description


Explore cutting-edge research in theoretical physics with this 44-minute conference talk by Irene Valenzuela from CERN. Delve into the intersection of the Swampland program and the conformal bootstrap, examining how consistency conditions in quantum gravity relate to those in conformal field theory. Gain insights into holography, string theory, and the foundations of quantum gravity as part of the "Gravity from algebra: modern field theory methods for holography" conference held at the Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics. Discover how modern conformal field theory techniques are being applied to understand the structure of holographic CFTs, gravitational effective field theory, and the nature of AdS vacua. Engage with topics such as large N bootstrap, CFT sum rules, supersymmetry in holography, and the relationship between S-matrices and CFT correlators in the context of AdS/CFT correspondence.


Reducing the Distance between the Swampland and the Bootstrap ▸ Irene Valenzuela (CERN)

Taught by

Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics

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