Real World Migration from HTTP to gRPC in Ruby

Offered By: CNCF [Cloud Native Computing Foundation] via YouTube


Conference Talks Courses Ruby Courses Ruby on Rails Courses Microservices Courses gRPC Courses Protocol Buffers Courses

Course Description


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Explore a real-world migration from HTTP to gRPC in Ruby through this conference talk. Learn about the challenges and benefits of transitioning from HTTP/1.1 to gRPC for microservices communication in a production Kubernetes cluster. Discover the migration approach, performance improvements, and tools developed by Wantedly, Inc. to achieve a 50% decrease in average latency and a significant reduction in 90th percentile latency. Gain insights into sharing proto files across multiple repositories, implementing application monitoring, and creating a productive development environment for gRPC. Understand how to combine gRPC with Ruby on Rails and utilize common utility libraries for a smooth transition. Examine the reasons for adopting RPC and the overall impact on microservices architecture.


Our products are built with 100+ microservices
Latency caused by using HTTP/1.1
1. Preparation 2. Migration
Without a monorepo, we have to share the same proto files across the multiple repositories
How should we share proto files?
apis: a central repository for schema management
Application monitoring is required in production
Need to create a productive development environment for gRPC
Use a common utility library named "servicex"
Pb: utility for using Protocol Buffers
RAILS Use gRPC combined with parts of Ruby on Rails
Average Latency decreased
Summary 1. Why RPC

Taught by

CNCF [Cloud Native Computing Foundation]

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