RdFind - A Powerful, Open Source CLI Tool to Find and Delete Duplicate Files in a System

Offered By: Awesome Open Source via YouTube


File Management Courses Linux Courses Windows Courses macOS Courses Data Organization Courses

Course Description


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Discover how to efficiently manage your storage space with rdFind, a powerful, free, and open-source command-line tool for finding and deleting duplicate files across various operating systems. Learn installation methods for Ubuntu/Debian and Fedora/CentOS, explore the tool's manual, and follow along with a practical example. Gain insights into how rdFind can help organize decades of backup data, potentially reclaiming hundreds of gigabytes of drive space. Master this straightforward yet robust solution for decluttering your file system and optimizing storage across Linux, Windows, and macOS platforms.


rdFind - a powerful, free, open source CLI tool to find and delete duplicate files in a system.

Taught by

Awesome Open Source

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