Spin Topology in Insulating Materials

Offered By: IMSA via YouTube


Topological Insulators Courses Condensed Matter Physics Courses Quantum Materials Courses

Course Description


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Explore the role of electron spin in establishing topological invariants in insulating materials through this 57-minute lecture by Rafael Gonzalez Hernandez from Universidad del Norte, Colombia. Delve into the study of spin Chern class phases and how the spin valence operator, induced by the spin operator, provides crucial information. Examine the characteristics of spin Chern insulators with gapped spin valence spectra and constant spin Chern numbers. Investigate spin Weyl topological insulators, where changes in spin Chern numbers occur at zero spin spectrum values. Learn about the average spin Chern number and its use in classifying non-trivial spin transport properties in 3D topological insulators, including its correlation with spin Hall conductivity within the bandgap.


Rafael Gonzalez Hernandez, Universidad del Norte, Colombia: Spin Topology in Insulating Materials

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