R for Beginners
Offered By: YouTube
Course Description
Downloading & Installing R & RStudio.
Orientation to RStudio.
Gentle Introduction to R.
Creating & Saving an R Script.
Orientation to Written Tutorials.
Setting a Working Directory in R.
Creating a Project in RStudio.
Reading Data into R | Using the read.csv Function.
Merging Data Horizontally in R | Using the merge Function.
Subsetting Cases From a Data Frame in R | Using the subset Function.
Selecting & Removing Variables from a Data Frame in R | Using the subset Function.
Writing Data Frames from R | Using the write.csv Function.
Computing Turnover Rates in R | Using the sum & mean Functions.
Counts & Frequencies in R | Using the table & barplot Functions.
Measures of Central Tendency & Dispersion in R | Summarizing & Visualizing Distributions.
Cross Tabulation in R | Using the xtabs Function.
Estimating Internal Consistency Reliability (Using Cronbach's alpha) in R | Using the alpha Function.
Creating a Composite Variable in R | Using the rowMeans Function.
Independent-Samples t-test in R | Using the ttest Function from lessR.
Paired-Samples t-test in R | Using the ttest Function from lessR.
Estimating Criterion-Related Validity Using a Correlation in R.
Predicting Criterion Scores Using Simple Linear Regression in R.
Applying a Compensatory Approach to Selection Decisions Using Multiple Linear Regression in R.
Taught by
David Caughlin
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