Quantum Technology - Concepts and Prospects

Offered By: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences via YouTube


Quantum Information Processing Courses Quantum Communication Courses Quantum Metrology Courses Quantum Sensors Courses Quantum Simulation Courses

Course Description


Explore the cutting-edge field of quantum technology in this comprehensive ICTS Colloquium lecture delivered by Apoorva D. Patel from the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. Delve into the concepts and prospects of various quantum technologies poised for significant breakthroughs, including sensors and metrology, quantum communications, and quantum computation. Gain insights into the current level of understanding, hardware design criteria, and the challenges faced in the field. Learn about quantum information processing, quantum algorithms, and the Grover search algorithm. Discover potential applications in genetic languages and the NISQ (Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum) era. Explore future directions, software quantum simulators, and engage in a Q&A session to deepen your understanding of this transformative field.


Time : PM
Quantum Technology: Concepts and Prospects
Quantum Technologies
Sensors and Metrology
Quantum Communications
Quantum Computation
Our Level of Understanding
The Hurdle
Hardware Design Criteria
Quantum Information Processing
Quantum Algorithms
Grover Search An illustration
Possible uses
Genetic languages
The NISQ Era
Directions to Explore
Software Quantum Simulator

Taught by

International Centre for Theoretical Sciences

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