Quantum Supremacy - Benchmarking the Sycamore Processor

Offered By: TensorFlow via YouTube


Quantum Computing Courses Superconducting Qubits Courses Quantum Supremacy Courses

Course Description


Explore the groundbreaking research on quantum supremacy and the benchmarking of the Sycamore processor in this 29-minute conference talk presented by Research Scientist Kevin Satzinger at the APS March Meeting 2020. Delve into the development of a high-fidelity processor with 53 programmable superconducting qubits, capable of running quantum algorithms in an exponentially large computational space. Learn about the Sycamore processor's rectangular lattice architecture, featuring tunable couplers that allow each qubit to interact with four neighbors. Discover the key systems engineering advances that enable high-fidelity single- and two-qubit operations during realistic computations across the entire processor. Examine the cross-entropy benchmarking method used to evaluate system performance and understand how the largest system benchmarks demonstrate quantum supremacy through circuits intractable for classical hardware. Gain insights into the digital error model and its implications for quantum error correction. Explore topics such as experimental quantum computing, scalable design, hardware packaging and electronics, calibration techniques, and the challenges of classical competition in quantum computing.


Experimental quantum computing
Scalable design: flip-chip bonding
Hardware: Packaging
Hardware: Electronics
Sycamore: tunable coupling architecture
Sycamore: tunable coupling data
Calibration: Learning how to execute quantum logic
Calibration graph Calibration sequence for 2 qubits Graph distilling decades of research worldwide
Calibrating Sycamore: Setup
Calibrating Sycamore: Rabi
Calibrating Sycamore: Readout
Calibrating two-qubit gates
Two-qubit gates on Sycamore
Simultaneous operations
Sycamore benchmarking results
Computational task Sample the output of a pseudo-random quantum circuit Large circuit classical computing cost prohibitively large
Verifying Sycamore?
Verifying Sycamore - Controlling difficulty
Classical competition
Classical benchmarks: Exponential resources

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