Quantum Impulse Control - Christopher Jarzynski

Offered By: Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics via YouTube


Quantum Systems Courses Energy Conversion Courses Quantum Information Courses

Course Description


Explore quantum impulse control in this 31-minute conference talk by Christopher Jarzynski at the Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics. Delve into the fascinating world of transport and efficient energy conversion in quantum systems away from equilibrium. Discover recent advancements in applying quantum information concepts to understand thermodynamical principles and the creation of quantum coherent systems with unprecedented control. Learn about the quantum adiabatic theorem, examine a simple example, and understand how to transport wavefunctions using impulses. Gain insights into the derivation and intuition behind this technique, and explore its potential applications and future perspectives in the field of quantum physics.


Quantum adiabatic theorem
A simple example
Transporting wavefunctions with impulses
Derivation - sketch
Why it works - intuition
Summary and perspectives

Taught by

Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics

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