Quantum Heat Transport by Microwave Photons - Jukka Pekola

Offered By: Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics via YouTube


Quantum Physics Courses Superconducting Qubits Courses Quantum Thermodynamics Courses

Course Description


Explore quantum heat transport through microwave photons in this 30-minute conference talk by Jukka Pekola at the Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics. Delve into the fascinating world of transport and energy conversion in quantum systems away from equilibrium. Discover recent advancements in applying quantum information concepts to understand thermodynamical principles and the creation of quantum coherent systems with unprecedented control. Examine topics such as thermoelectric transport in 1D channels, thermal conductance in the quantum limit, and electromagnetic heat transfer through photons. Learn about NIS-thermometry, measurements of quantum heat conductance, and the control of photonic heat conduction. Investigate the palette of superconducting qubits for quantum thermodynamics, quantum heat valves, and heat rectifier experiments. Gain insights into quantum Otto refrigerators, single quantum detection by calorimetry, and methods for boosting sensitivity. This talk, part of the Transport and Efficient Energy Conversion in Quantum Systems Conference, offers a comprehensive overview of cutting-edge research in quantum heat transport and its applications.


Quantum heat transport
Thermoelectric transport in 1D channel
Thermal conductance in quantum limit
Electromagnetic transfer of heat (photons)
Measurements of quantum of heat conductance by photons
Control of photonic heat conduction
Palette of superconducting qubits for quantum thermodynamics
Quantum heat valve
Heat rectifier experiment
Quantum Otto refrigerator S
Single quantum detection by calorimetry
Boosting the sensitivity
Pico group

Taught by

Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics

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