Qualitative Research Design
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Course Description
The role of theory in research || Do you need a theoretical framework??.
Grounded Theory vs Phenomenology - Similarities, Differences & Which one to choose?.
Theoretical sampling & Purposeful sampling (5 minute definitions).
Definition of Research Design, Research Methodology, Research Methods.
How to develop an interview guide in qualitative research (step by step guide with examples).
Research Methodologies: Narrative research, Phenomenology, Grounded Theory, Ethnography, Case Study.
How to choose research methods || 5 tips for complete beginners.
Qualitative observation - how to plan, conduct and analyze observations in qualitative research.
FOCUS GROUPS (8 Disadvantages).
thematic analysis | how to present the results.
What is constructivism? (Definitions, examples, ontology and epistemology of constructivism).
Doing the Literature Review in Grounded Theory studies (2 dilemmas).
What is Grounded Theory | Core Elements and Common Myths.
Quantitative VS Qualitative research (all differences with examples).
How to present qualitative findings.
Conducting research in Facebook groups.
Researching friends in qualitative research - is this allowed?.
Researching friends in qualitative research - is this allowed?.
Epistemology and ontology, interpretivism and symbolic interactionism.
Epistemology and ontology, interpretivism and symbolic interactionism.
Epistemology and ontology, interpretivism and symbolic interactionism.
Epistemology and ontology, interpretivism and symbolic interactionism.
Epistemology and ontology, interpretivism and symbolic interactionism.
Epistemology and ontology, interpretivism and symbolic interactionism.
Epistemology and ontology, interpretivism and symbolic interactionism.
Epistemology and ontology, interpretivism and symbolic interactionism.
Epistemology and ontology, interpretivism and symbolic interactionism.
Epistemology and ontology, interpretivism and symbolic interactionism.
Epistemology and ontology, interpretivism and symbolic interactionism.
Epistemology and ontology, interpretivism and symbolic interactionism.
Epistemology and ontology, interpretivism and symbolic interactionism.
Epistemology and ontology, interpretivism and symbolic interactionism.
Epistemology and ontology, interpretivism and symbolic interactionism.
Epistemology and ontology, interpretivism and symbolic interactionism.
how to transcribe interviews.
how to transcribe interviews.
Philosophical assumptions, paradigms and worldviews in mixed methods research.
Philosophical assumptions, paradigms and worldviews in mixed methods research.
Qualitative interviews - interviewing Elites.
How to interview children?.
Using unstructured interviews in qualitative research.
7 Advantages of Qualitative Interviews.
Interview types and classifications.
What is theoretical sampling?.
Validity in qualitative research - "Member checking".
Qualitative interview - the cognitive interviewing method.
Focus groups - what is a focus group and how to analyse focus group data?.
Sample size in qualitative research.
Ontology and epistemology, positivism and interpretivism.
Exploratory sequential design (Mixed methods #4).
Explanatory sequential design (Mixed methods#3).
Convergent parallel design (Mixed methods research #2).
Mixed methods research #1 basic decisions and designs.
Qualitative interviews #3 How to conduct interviews.
Interview guide (Qualitative interviews #2).
Semi-structured interview, structured interview, unstructured ... (Qualitative interviews #1).
Validity and reliability in Qualitative research (6 strategies to increase validity).
Research questions - developing research questions, what is a good/bad research question....
Assumptions in Qualitative Research.
positivism and interpretivism.
Taught by
Research with Dr Kriukow
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