PyKubeSlurm - A Python Operator for Efficient Job Scheduling in Slurm Using Kubernetes

Offered By: Ubuntu OnAir via YouTube


Kubernetes Courses DevOps Courses Python Courses Cloud Computing Courses Containerization Courses Slurm Courses

Course Description


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Explore a 16-minute conference talk from Ubuntu Summit 2023 that introduces PyKubeSlurm, a Python package designed to simplify job scheduling in Kubernetes. Learn how this operator, built on top of Kopf, addresses the challenges engineers face when managing complex job scheduling tasks. Discover how PyKubeSlurm can streamline your workflow, reduce the learning curve, and improve efficiency in Kubernetes environments. Gain insights into the integration of Slurm workload manager with Kubernetes, and understand how this solution can benefit your development and deployment processes.


PyKubeSlurm: A Python Operator for Efficient Job Scheduling in Slurm using Kubernetes

Taught by

Ubuntu OnAir

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