PT Symmetry in Optics, Exceptional Points and Bound States in the Continuum

Offered By: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences via YouTube


Optics Courses Scattering Theory Courses Open Quantum Systems Courses

Course Description


Explore the fascinating world of PT symmetry in optics, exceptional points, and bound states in the continuum in this 34-minute conference talk by Prasanta K Panigrahi. Delve into the fundamentals of PT symmetric systems, including their potential applications and unique properties. Examine the redefinition of norms in these systems and analyze specific examples of PT symmetric potentials. Investigate the relationship between supersymmetry (SUSY) and PT symmetric phases, exploring how broken SUSY phases occur in different parameter domains with real eigenvalues. Learn about bound states in the continuum and their occurrence in PT-broken phases. Study scattering phenomena in PT symmetric systems and discover the connection between isospectral deformation and the Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) equation. Understand how light behaves at exceptional points, where group velocity vanishes. Explore experimental observations of PT-symmetric quantum mechanics, including coherent perfect absorbers (CPA) and PT-CPA lasers. Examine PT symmetric solutions in modified KdV equations and complex superposed solutions. Gain valuable insights into this cutting-edge field of non-Hermitian physics and its potential applications in optics and quantum mechanics.


PT Symmetry in Optics, Exceptional Points and Bound States in the Continuum
PT Symmetric Systems Outline of the talk
The norm has to be redefined Das et al., Bender, Mostafazadeh: olun:=only.
PT Symmetric Potential: Example
SUSY and PT symmetric Phases Potential is invariant under the transformation A + + B - S:
E? = -B- " - na2.
Phases of SUSY Broken phases of SUSY occur for different parameter domains with real eigenvalues.
Bound States in Continuum In the PT-broken phase, energy can be still real provided
Scattering by PT Symmetric Systems
sospectral Deformation and Connection with KdV The earlier mentioned two superpotentials WI and W2 Eq.
Light Stops at Exceptional Point The group velocity of light has been shown to vanish at except tonal point.
Experimental observation of PTSY-QM
Coherent Perfect Absorber CPA
PT-CPA Laser
PT Symmetric Solutions in Modified KdV Equation
Modified KdV Equations
Complex superposed solutions
Some remarks
- 602Ur + Vers = 0, there exist solutions in the form of complex superposition.
Thank you for your patience and attention

Taught by

International Centre for Theoretical Sciences

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