Elliptic Curves Associated to Two-Loop Graphs and Feynman Diagrams - Rothschild Lecture

Offered By: Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences via YouTube


Elliptic Curves Courses Algebraic Geometry Courses K Theory Courses

Course Description


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Explore the fascinating connections between two-loop Feynman diagrams and elliptic curves in this Rothschild Lecture by Professor Spencer Bloch from the University of Chicago. Delve into the algebraic geometry behind cubic hypersurfaces arising from two-loop graphs, focusing on cases with 3, 5, and 7 variables. Discover how these structures relate to elliptic curves and their potential implications for understanding two-loop amplitudes. Learn about the relationship between one-loop graph amplitudes and dilogarithms, and consider the possibility of connections between two-loop amplitudes and elliptic dilogarithms. Gain insights into this collaborative research involving C. Doran, P. Vanhove, and M. Kerr, presented at the Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences as part of the "K-theory, algebraic cycles and motivic homotopy theory" programme.


Date: Wednesday 29th January 2020 - 16:00 to

Taught by

Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences

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