Geometry of Quantum Correlations
Offered By: Centrum Fizyki Teoretycznej PAN via YouTube
Course Description
Explore the fascinating world of quantum correlations in this lecture by Prof. Adam Sawicki from the Center for Theoretical Physics PAS. Delve into the intriguing phenomenon of quantum entanglement and its distinction from classical physics. Learn how tools from symplectic and algebraic geometry can be applied to describe quantum correlations. Discover the nonlocal properties of entangled states and their implications for the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen analysis of quantum theory completeness. This talk is part of the SCREAM project, focusing on differential geometric structures and their applications in various fields, including mechanical systems, integrable systems, and cosmology. Gain insights into the cutting-edge research being conducted at the intersection of quantum physics and geometry.
Prof. Adam Sawicki (Center for Theoretical Physics PAS): Geometry of quantum correlations
Taught by
Centrum Fizyki Teoretycznej PAN
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