Magic Gap Ratio for Optimally Robust Fermionic Condensation

Offered By: APS Physics via YouTube


Superconductivity Courses Quantum Physics Courses Spectroscopy Courses Experimental Physics Courses Condensed Matter Physics Courses

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Explore groundbreaking research on the Bardeen-Schrieffer-Cooper (BCS) to Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) crossover in high-temperature superconducting cuprates in this hour-long APS Physics presentation. Delve into the discovery of a universal magic gap ratio that indicates optimal robustness in paired fermion condensates. Learn how researchers Mun Keat Chan and Neil Harrison from Los Alamos National Lab uncovered evidence for this crossover by identifying key indicators such as condensate fraction and specific heat coefficient jumps. Understand the significance of the antinodal spectroscopic gap in cuprates and its relation to the pairing gap. Gain insights into the experimental methods used to observe this phenomenon for the first time in cuprates. Participate in a live Q&A session moderated by Sasa Dordevic from the University of Akron, Ohio, to further explore the implications of this research on our understanding of high-temperature superconductivity.


PRJC: Magic Gap Ratio for Optimally Robust Fermionic Condensation

Taught by

APS Physics

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