Principles of Web API Design

Offered By: GOTO Conferences via YouTube


GOTO Conferences Courses Microservices Courses Event Storming Courses

Course Description


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Explore the principles of Web API design in this insightful interview with James Higginbotham, author of "Principles of Web API Design," and Mike Amundsen. Discover the ADDR process, job stories, and event storming techniques for successful API development. Learn about API boundaries, the differences between modeling and designing APIs, and the concept of a Minimum Viable Portal. Gain valuable insights into version management, API journeys, and the future of API design in this comprehensive discussion tailored for developers and API enthusiasts.


Why a book on WebAPI and Microservices?
ADDR process
What are job stories and why do they matter?
Event storming
Differences between versions and revisions
API Boundaries
Differences between modeling & designing an API
Minimum Viable Portal MVP
API journey: This is just the beginning

Taught by

GOTO Conferences

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