Prepose - Privacy, Security, and Reliability for Gesture-Based Programming

Offered By: IEEE via YouTube


IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy Courses Tai Chi Courses Ballet Courses Physical Therapy Courses Privacy Courses System Architecture Courses

Course Description


Explore a groundbreaking approach to gesture-based programming in this 20-minute IEEE conference talk. Delve into Prepose, a novel domain-specific language and system architecture designed to address privacy, security, and reliability concerns in sensor-based applications. Learn how Prepose enables the creation of gesture recognizers while protecting sensitive user data and preventing security threats like gesture conflicts. Discover the language's expressive capabilities through examples in physical therapy, tai-chi, and ballet. Examine the system's fast runtime gesture matching and efficient static analysis techniques using SMT solvers. Gain insights into how Prepose balances functionality with user privacy and application security in the growing field of gesture-based interfaces.


Prepose: Privacy, Security, and Reliability for Gesture-Based Programming

Taught by

IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy


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