Practicing Data Science in the Cloud

Offered By: WeAreDevelopers via YouTube


WeAreDevelopers World Congress Courses Data Science Courses Machine Learning Courses Python Courses Cloud Computing Courses Neural Networks Courses Model Training Courses Parameter Tuning Courses

Course Description


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Explore the end-to-end Machine Learning pipeline in the cloud through this 37-minute conference talk. Delve into the multifaceted data science process, covering topics such as modeling, operations, and cloud-based data science. Learn about Machine Learning services, environment selection, and working with Python. Discover how to train neural networks, adjust parameters, and utilize machine learning workspaces and compute targets. Gain insights into creating effective dashboards and implementing practical solutions for data science in cloud environments.


Data Science Process
Modeling and Operations
Data Science in the Cloud
Machine Learning Pipeline
Machine Learning Services
Choosing an Environment
Making it work
Training a neural network
Changing parameters
Machine learning workspace
Compute targets
Final remarks
Question time

Taught by


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