Practical Empathy - Unlock the Super Power

Offered By: NDC Conferences via YouTube


NDC Conferences Courses Mindfulness Courses Soft Skills Courses Empathy Courses Nonviolent Communication Courses

Course Description


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Explore the power of empathy in a 44-minute conference talk that delves into its practical applications for software developers and beyond. Learn how empathy can be a learnable life skill rather than a mystical power, as the speaker shares personal experiences with burnout, Imposter Syndrome, parenting, and self-care. Discover the core components of empathy and how to apply them in both professional and personal contexts. Gain insights into practical approaches and techniques to enhance empathy skills, optimizing your personal journey towards greater understanding and connection with others. Examine the differences between empathy, sympathy, and agreement, while exploring concepts such as nonviolent communication and mindfulness. Reflect on the importance of listening intently, gaining perspective, and recognizing empathy as a choice in various aspects of life and work.


Imagine yourself as a developer
An example of empathy
About Pavneet
About Empathycom
Types of Empathy
Sympathy vs Empathy
Empathy vs Sympathy
Empathy is not about agreeing
My journey in technology
Shared code bases
Work overtime
The Prophet was happy
I wasnt really happy
How the end up with empathy
Nonviolent communication
Enforce Empathy
Listen intently
Empathy is key to understanding
Gaining perspective
Journey to empathy
Practicing empathy
Gain perspective
Soft skills
Empathy is no guarantee
Empathy is the hard part
Empathy a choice

Taught by

NDC Conferences

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