Post Processing and Mock Observations - Shane Davis, Philipp Moesta
Offered By: Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics via YouTube
Course Description
Explore post-processing techniques and mock observations for binary systems in this 52-minute conference talk from the Building Bridges conference at KITP. Delve into the evolution and influence of circumbinary gas on embedded binaries, from stellar to supermassive black hole systems. Learn about observational signatures, numerical modeling techniques, and the similarities between problems at varied astrophysical scales. Gain insights from speakers Shane Davis and Philipp Moesta as they discuss motivations, 2D simulations, steady states, Monte Carlo methods, fast periods, eccentricity, retrograde orbits, softening, numerical relativity, and predicting observables for AGN. Understand the challenges and opportunities in unifying the picture of stellar and black hole binary accretion and evolution.
Other simulations
Are 2D simulations worth postprocessing
Mark Avery
Is there a steady state
Philipps slides
Monte Carlo
Post Processing
Fast Period
Mark Vera
Numerical Relativity
Predicting observables
Last remarks
Wrap up
Good news bad news
Final notes
Taught by
Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics
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