Polarized Thermal Emission from Metamaterials Described by Stokes Parameters Based on Fluctuational Electrodynamics - Zhuomin Zhang

Offered By: Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics via YouTube


Metamaterials Courses Kirchhoff's Laws Courses 2D Materials Courses

Course Description


Explore a 42-minute conference talk on polarized thermal emission from metamaterials, delivered by Zhuomin Zhang from Georgia Tech at the Quantum and Thermal Electrodynamic Fluctuations in the Presence of Matter conference. Delve into the application of Stokes parameters based on fluctuational electrodynamics to describe thermal emission from optical metamaterials and 2D materials. Examine near-field radiative heat transfer, conventional and modified Kirchhoff's law formulations, and polarization dependence in various structures. Investigate the fluctuation-dissipation theorem, wavevector space analysis, and specific examples using hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) on glass. Gain insights into wavelength dependence, azimuthal and polar angle effects, and the implications for general Kirchhoff's law in the context of quantum and thermal electrodynamic fluctuations.


Optical Metamaterials with Micro/Nanostructures
2D Materials Coupled with Nanostructures
Near-Field Radiative Heat Transfer
Our Measurement Results
Conventional Kirchhoff's Law
A More Proper Formulism
Polarization Dependence
Regime Map
Fluctuation-Dissipation Theorem
Stokes' Parameters
Electric Field and Emissivity Vector
Wavevector Space
Hexagonal boron nitride (hBN)
Double-Layer hBN on Glass
Polarization Ellipse
Wavelength Dependence
Adjoint Kirchhoff's Law
Structure #3 Azimuthal Angle Dependence
Structure #3 Polar Angle Dependence
(General) Kirchhoff's Law

Taught by

Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics

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