Placenta Ultrasound Reporting - How to Write Pregnancy USG Reports for Pathologies and Positions

Offered By: Dr. Sam's Imaging Library via YouTube


Ultrasounds Courses Radiology Courses Obstetrics Courses Pregnancy Courses Medical Imaging Courses

Course Description


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Learn how to write comprehensive pregnancy ultrasound reports focusing on placental pathologies and positions in this 38-minute video tutorial. Explore a wide range of placental conditions, starting with normal placenta anatomy and progressing through various abnormalities such as succenturiate lobe, thick placenta, and circumvallate placenta. Gain insights into different types of placenta previa, including low-lying, marginal, partial, and complete. Examine more complex pathologies like placenta percreta, placental abruption, and various types of hematomas. Conclude with an understanding of placental infarcts and chorioangioma. Each section is time-stamped for easy navigation, making this an invaluable resource for medical professionals and students in the field of obstetric imaging.


Intro -
Normal Placenta -
Succenturiate Lobe -
Thick Placenta -
Circumvallate Placenta -
Low-Lying Placenta -
Marginal Placenta Previa -
Partial Placenta Previa -
Complete Placenta Previa -
Placenta Percreta -
Placental Abruption -
Preplacental Hematoma -
Subchorionic Hematoma -
Chronic Subchorionic Hematoma -
Placental Infarcts -
Chorioangioma -

Taught by

Dr. Sam's Imaging Library

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