Performance and Web Typography - Balancing Beauty and Speed

Offered By: Mozilla Hacks via YouTube


Typography Courses Web Design Courses Front-end Development Courses OpenType Courses

Course Description


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Explore the intersection of beautiful web typography and performant web pages in this 27-minute conference talk from View Source Berlin. Dive into OpenType features, understanding their importance to typefaces and their impact on performance. Learn how to enable OpenType features and optimize font files for the web, whether using @font-face or Typekit. Gain confidence in serving gorgeous typography on your sites while maintaining performance. Discover three emerging patterns in web typography, trace the evolution from calligraphy to digital typography, and learn to determine font support. Experiment with the OpenType Sandbox, prioritize content, and master techniques like FontFaceOnload and timeout for web fonts. Led by Helen Holmes, a designer at Mozilla focused on improving developer tools, this talk offers valuable insights for front-end developers and designers alike.


What is beautiful web typography
Three patterns emerge
Typography and calligraphy
Writing before the printing press
Digital Typography
Determining Font Support
OpenType Sandbox
Content is King
Font Faces
Web fonts

Taught by

Mozilla Hacks

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