Pentesting for N00bs - Blue

Offered By: Cyber Mentor via YouTube


Penetration Testing Courses Cybersecurity Courses Ethical Hacking Courses Metasploit Courses Nmap Courses Privilege Escalation Courses Meterpreter Courses

Course Description


Dive into a comprehensive 30-minute tutorial on penetration testing for beginners, focusing on exploiting the MS17-010 vulnerability in Windows systems. Learn to spin up a target machine, conduct initial reconnaissance with nmap, and understand the basics of the EternalBlue exploit. Follow along as the instructor demonstrates how to use Metasploit to confirm and exploit the vulnerability, discusses various payload types, and showcases post-exploitation techniques using Meterpreter. Gain hands-on experience by downloading and utilizing AutoBlue for manual exploitation, providing a deeper understanding of the attack process.


- Spinning up Blue.
- Starting nmap scan.
- Overview of MS17-010.
- Reviewing our nmap scan.
- Using Metasploit to confirm vulnerability exists.
- Exploiting with Metasploit.
- Improving our exploit / discussion on payload types.
- Downloading AutoBlue.
- Post exploitation with Meterpreter.
- Using AutoBlue to repeat manually.

Taught by

The Cyber Mentor

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