Training Highly Generalizable Biomedical Image Segmentation Models with Very Few Annotations

Offered By: Computational Genomics Summer Institute CGSI via YouTube


Medical Imaging Courses Machine Learning Courses Few-shot Learning Courses Transfer Learning Courses Neural Architecture Search Courses X-rays Courses CT Scan Courses

Course Description


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Explore a comprehensive lecture on training highly generalizable biomedical image segmentation models using limited annotations. Delve into cutting-edge techniques presented by Pengtao Xie at the Computational Genomics Summer Institute (CGSI) 2023. Discover innovative approaches to improve CT-based pneumonia classification, develop machine learning training strategies inspired by human learning skills, and apply neural architecture search for brain tumor classification and pneumonia diagnosis from chest X-rays. Gain insights from related research papers published in prestigious journals such as Scientific Reports and presented at conferences like the International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML).


Pengtao Xie | Training Highly Generalizable Biomedical Image Segmentation Models with Very Few Annot

Taught by

Computational Genomics Summer Institute CGSI

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