PSAS Flight Controller in Rust - PDXRust October 2016

Offered By: Rust via YouTube


Rust Courses Software Development Courses Embedded Systems Courses Aerospace Engineering Courses GPIOs Courses I2C Courses

Course Description


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Explore a conference talk detailing the development of a flight controller in Rust by a capstone team. Learn about the challenges faced in integrating with JSBSim, working with i2c and gpio, and creating a minimum viable product with dual compile modes for flight and testing. Discover interesting statistics about the project, including code composition and documentation efforts. Gain insights into the complexities of working with undocumented and complex systems like JSBSim. Watch demonstrations of intriguing bugs encountered during development, such as the counter-clockwise bias and dual spin issues. Conclude with a code walkthrough and an opportunity for questions, providing a comprehensive overview of this innovative Rust-based flight controller project.


What is a capstone?
A capstone is...
for very low cost
PSAS has a challenge
New flight controller needs...
to use cold gas jets
to be safe
Decision Test using using JSBSim Fast and Safe: Rust! Read and write pins: i2c and gpio
These tools are complicated And we were not experienced So we did lots of research
We built a MVP with 2 compile modes (flight and test) integration with i2c and gpio integration with JSBSim
To test it Flight: LED prototype Test: Read JSBSim output
Interesting statistics
651 lines of Rust code does not include whitespace or comments overall over 1k lines
43 lines of CPP For JSBSim integration (my slide software did not like the plus sign)
668 Lines of markdown documentation
Interesting problems!
JSBSim is hard... and undocumented and kind of has spaghetti code and written in CPP
Interesting Bugs!
Counter-Clockwise bias (video) Dual spin bug (video)
Watch it work! (video)
Code time!

Taught by


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