Partial Multi-Tenancy on Kafka Using Strimzi - Managing Multiple Applications

Offered By: CNCF [Cloud Native Computing Foundation] via YouTube


Apache Kafka Courses DevOps Courses Cloud Computing Courses Kubernetes Courses Microservices Courses Scalability Courses Containerization Courses Data Streaming Courses Multi-Tenancy Courses Strimzi Courses

Course Description


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Explore the challenges and solutions of implementing partial multi-tenancy on Kafka using Strimzi in this conference talk. Learn how LittleHorse manages multiple applications within a single Kafka platform, addressing key concerns such as topic creation, enforcing least privilege, and mitigating noisy neighbor problems. Discover how Strimzi's Kubernetes-native approach provides answers to these challenges. Gain insights into LittleHorse Cloud's use of Strimzi to manage Kafka clusters, particularly in their Enterprise product. Understand the role of Strimzi CRDs in enabling partial multi-tenancy, including KafkaTopic for simplifying new cluster provisioning, KafkaUser for tenant isolation, and KafkaRebalance for leveraging Cruise Control. Get a glimpse of upcoming Strimzi features like KRaft support with KafkaNodePool and topic replication factor changes with the Unidirectional Topic Operator, and their potential impact on delivering new functionality to users.


Partial Multi-Tenancy on Kafka Using Strimzi at LittleHorse - Colt McNealy, Founder, LittleHorse

Taught by

CNCF [Cloud Native Computing Foundation]

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