Parasites in Biodiversity Conservation - Friend or Foe?

Offered By: Linnean Society via YouTube


Parasitology Courses Biodiversity Courses Conservation Biology Courses

Course Description


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Explore the complex role of parasites in biodiversity conservation through this thought-provoking lecture by Joshua Brian. Delve into the often-overlooked world of parasites and pathogens, examining their significant impact on ecosystems and conservation efforts. Learn about the dual nature of parasites as both potential threats to host populations and crucial components of ecosystem structure and function. Discover the challenges posed by 'parasite blindness' in conservation practices, including the risks associated with species translocation. Gain insights into the importance of considering parasites in ecosystem restoration and maintaining biological diversity. Use freshwater mussels as a model system to understand the intricate relationships between hosts and parasites. Examine the potential of parasites for biological control and their role in maintaining species diversity. Challenge your perspective on parasites in conservation ecology and understand why a more comprehensive approach to parasites and diseases is fundamental for effective ecosystem management and biodiversity preservation.


Parasites: the unseen majority
Freshwater mussels as a model system
Freshwater mussels highly threatened
Parasites: a cause of extinction?
Trematodes in the gonads...
Additional environmental stressors
Can we predict these negative impacts?
Explicit risks of conservation action
What is the scope of the problem?
Undescribed parasites...
Parasites at risk themselves?
Maintenance of diversity
Other ecosystem services
Biological control
Different conservation coins? Two sides of the same coin?
Parasitic mussels...
Parasites as a threat to biodiversity? Parasites are biodiversity
A single animal is an ecosystem

Taught by

Linnean Society

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