Parallel and Asynchronous Programming with Streams and CompletableFuture

Offered By: Devoxx via YouTube


Devoxx Courses Parallel Programming Courses Asynchronous Programming Courses CompletableFuture Courses

Course Description


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Explore parallel and asynchronous programming in Java 8 through this comprehensive conference talk. Dive deep into parallel streams and CompletableFuture, learning their implementation, benefits, and potential pitfalls. Discover when to leverage these powerful features and when to avoid them for optimal performance. Gain insights into the gotchas of parallel and asynchronous programming, and learn best practices for putting these tools to good use in your Java projects. Benefit from the expertise of Dr. Venkat Subramaniam, an award-winning author and experienced software developer, as he guides you through this advanced topic in Java programming.


Parallel and Asynchronous Programming with Streams and CompletableFuture by Venkat Subramaniam

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