Oxia - A Horizontally Scalable Alternative to Apache Zookeeper
Offered By: The ASF via YouTube
Course Description
Explore a 24-minute conference talk introducing Oxia, a subproject within the Apache Pulsar community designed as a horizontally scalable alternative to Apache Zookeeper. Learn about Zookeeper's crucial role in distributed systems and the emerging trend to replace it. Discover how Oxia aims to overcome Zookeeper's horizontal scalability limitations and serve as a replacement across the Apache ecosystem. Gain insights into Oxia's architecture and its Java client library, which facilitates easy integration for Apache projects. Presented by David Kjerrumgaard, a committer on the Apache Pulsar project, author, and expert in real-time data and messaging systems, this talk offers valuable knowledge for those interested in advanced distributed systems and consensus technologies.
Oxia - A Horizontally Scalable Alternative to Apache Zookeeper
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