OWASP DSOMM Project - Introduction to DevSecOps Maturity Model

Offered By: OWASP Foundation via YouTube


DevSecOps Courses Risk Management Courses Continuous Integration Courses Security Assessment Courses Vulnerability Management Courses Security Automation Courses Security Maturity Model Courses

Course Description


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Explore the OWASP DevSecOps Maturity Model (DSOMM) project in this informative conference talk. Gain insights into implementing security practices throughout the software development lifecycle, learn about maturity levels for various security activities, and discover strategies for improving your organization's DevSecOps maturity. Understand how DSOMM can help assess and enhance your current security posture, identify areas for improvement, and prioritize security initiatives within your development processes.


OWASP DSOMM Project - Timo Pagel

Taught by

OWASP Foundation

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