Overview Lecture on Basics of Frustrated Magnets - ABC of Neutron Scattering by Jason Gardner

Offered By: International Centre for Theoretical Sciences via YouTube


Quantum Magnetism Courses Condensed Matter Physics Courses

Course Description


Delve into the fascinating world of frustrated magnets and neutron scattering techniques in this comprehensive lecture. Explore the fundamentals of neutron research, including Bragg's Law, scattering power, and imaging techniques. Gain insights into the dynamic structural factor, fluctuation dissipation theorem, and various types of scattering. Examine spin-wave dispersion, crystal field schemes, and quantum probes of frustrated magnets. Discover how pyrochlore examples, such as Gd2Ti207 and Y2Mo207, illustrate neutron data analysis. Investigate bulk correlations, local and bulk probes, and the importance of studying these materials. Learn about susceptibility, specific heat, neutron diffraction, Mössbauer spectroscopy, and muon spin relaxation. Explore diffuse neutron diffraction, inelastic neutron scattering, and neutron spin echo techniques. Analyze the behavior of titanates, spinglasses, and other quantum magnets like Tb2Tl2O7. Enhance your understanding of frustrated magnets and neutron scattering methods in this comprehensive overview.


[Talk: Overview Lecture on Basics of Frustrated Magnets: ABC... of Neutron Scattering by Jason Gardner]
NIST Center for Neutron Research
Why Neutrons?
Bragg's Law
Scattering power
Imaging Techniques
The dynamic structural factor
Fluctuation Dissipation Theorem
Types of Scattering
Spin-wave Dispersion
Crystal Field Schemes
Quantum Probes of Frustrated Magnet
Using Pyrochlore examples to show what neutrons data looks likemainly Gd2Ti207 and Y 2 Mo207
Bulk Correlations
Gd - ion
Local and Bulk Probes
Why Study?
Specific heat
Neutron Diffraction
Diffuse Neutron Diffraction
Inelastic Neutron Scattering
...and the Stannate
Neutrons -- NSE
What is happening? - Titanate
Y2Mo2O7 - Spinglass?
Y2Mo207 - Neutron PDF
NMR results
Y's Local Environment
NMR Results
Other Quantum Magnets

Taught by

International Centre for Theoretical Sciences

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