Our Colorful Universe: Translating Cosmic Light
Offered By: Hubble Space Telescope via YouTube
Course Description
Explore the fascinating process of transforming cosmic data into stunning visual representations in this lecture by Joseph DePasquale of the Space Telescope Science Institute. Delve into the techniques used to create captivating images from Hubble Space Telescope data and other observatories. Learn about the history of light understanding, the electromagnetic spectrum, and how scientists translate invisible light into visible imagery. Discover the principles of visual representation, including tonality, nonlinear transformation, and color composition. Examine famous cosmic objects like the Eagle Nebula, Whirlpool Galaxy, and Crab Nebula through various imaging techniques. Gain insights into the tools and methods used by astronomers to reveal the hidden beauty of our colorful universe, from infrared light to spectroscopy. Hosted by Dr. Frank Summers, this engaging discussion illuminates the art and science behind cosmic imagery, preparing viewers for the golden age of astronomy with upcoming telescopes like the James Webb Space Telescope.
Upcoming Lectures
Mini Neptune
Speaker Introduction
Just Light
Light Bubble
Light History
Infrared Light
James Clerk Maxwell
Wilhelm Roentgen
Cepheid Variable Stars
Hubble Space Telescope
Visual Principles
Nonlinear Transformation
Tools for Nonlinear Transformation
Color Composite Color
Natural Broadband Color
Clean Press Release
Narrowband Image
Color Image
Eagle Nebula
Electromagnetic Spectrum
Great Observatories
Whirlpool Galaxy
Spiral Galaxy
Supermassive Black Hole
Crab Nebula
Warm Dust
Magnetic Fields
Etta Karena
Nick Reisinger
Lagoon Nebula Messier 8
The Golden Age of Astronomy
Illuminated Universe
Web Telescope
Taught by
Hubble Space Telescope
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