Take Out the TraChe - Maximizing Transactional Cache Hit Rate

Offered By: USENIX via YouTube


USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI) Courses

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Explore a groundbreaking approach to improving transactional cache performance in this 15-minute conference talk from OSDI '23. Learn about DeToX, an innovative caching system that introduces the concept of transactional hit rate and leverages transactional dependencies for more effective eviction and prefetching decisions. Discover how this novel approach significantly outperforms traditional single-object caching algorithms, achieving up to 130% increase in transaction hit rate and 3.4x improvement in cache efficiency on real-world workloads and popular OLTP benchmarks. Gain insights from researchers at UC Berkeley and the University of Wisconsin—Madison as they present their findings on maximizing transactional cache hit rates to enhance overall system performance.


OSDI '23 - Take Out the TraChe: Maximizing (Tra)nsactional Ca(che) Hit Rate

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