Orchestrated Android-Style System Upgrades for Embedded Linux

Offered By: Linux Foundation via YouTube


Embedded Linux Courses OpenEmbedded Courses SWupdate Courses

Course Description


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Explore a comprehensive approach to implementing Android-style system upgrades for embedded Linux in this 47-minute conference talk. Learn about a two-phase upgrade process utilizing open-source projects like SWUpdate and Eclipse hawkBit for OpenEmbedded distributions. Discover the advantages of separating the upgrade process into communication with the cloud and installation phases. Witness a live demonstration of an orchestrated update rollout from a multi-tenant remote update management service. Gain insights from Diego Rondini, an experienced embedded software developer, on tailoring embedded OSes and implementing IoT updates for microprocessor-based boards.


Orchestrated Android-Style System Upgrades for Embedded Linux - Diego Rondini, Kynetics

Taught by

Linux Foundation


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