OptORAMa - Optimal Oblivious RAM
Offered By: TheIACR via YouTube
Course Description
Explore a comprehensive presentation on OptORAMa: Optimal Oblivious RAM from Eurocrypt 2020. Delve into the challenges of access pattern leakage and why data encryption alone is insufficient. Examine the overhead of Oblivious RAM and discover the main result: an ORAM with O(log N) amortized overhead. Learn about oblivious tight compaction and its applications. Follow a short tutorial covering Square Root ORAM and Hierarchical ORAM. Investigate advanced techniques including Intersperse Panorama, Loose Swap, Loose Compactor, Reverse Route, and Packing. Gain insights into cutting-edge research in secure data access and storage mechanisms.
OptORAMa: Optimal Oblivious RAM
Access Pattern Leakage for, why encrypting the data is insufficient?
Overhead of Oblivious RAM
Our Main Result There exists an ORAM with Ollog N amortized overhead
Our Result: Oblivious Tight Compaction
A Short Tutorial
Warmup: Square Root ORAM
Hierarchical ORAM
Our Techniques
Tight Compaction: Where Is It Being Used?
Intersperse Panorama
Intersperse From Oblivious Tight Compaction
Loose Swap
Loose Compactor
Reverse Route
Packing - The Idea
Taught by
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