Open Policy Agent (OPA) Introduction and Deep Dive

Offered By: CNCF [Cloud Native Computing Foundation] via YouTube


Open Policy Agent Courses Kubernetes Courses CI/CD Courses Cloud Security Courses Service Mesh Courses Policy-as-Code Courses OPA Gatekeeper Courses

Course Description


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Dive into a comprehensive conference talk on Open Policy Agent (OPA), a general-purpose policy engine solving various policy-related challenges in Kubernetes, service mesh, CI/CD, and infrastructure permissions. Learn about the project's fundamentals, explore noteworthy new features in OPA and OPA Gatekeeper, and discover updates within the OPA ecosystem. Gain insights into policy as code and security in cloud-native technology from OPA maintainers Anders Eknert from Styra and Xander Grzywinski from Microsoft. Perfect for both newcomers and experienced professionals interested in enhancing their understanding of policy enforcement in cloud-native environments.


Open Policy Agent (OPA) Intro & Deep Dive - Anders Eknert, Styra & Xander Grzywinski, Microsoft

Taught by

CNCF [Cloud Native Computing Foundation]

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