Open Flow Channel GATE Civil Engineering
Offered By: Unacademy via YouTube
Course Description
Open Channel Flow | Introduction | Lec 1 | GATE/ESE Civil Engineering.
Open Channel Flow | Classification of open channel flow | Lec 2 | GATE/ESE Civil Engineering.
Open Channel Flow | Channel Geometry | Lec 3 | GATE/ESE Civil Engineering.
Open Channel Flow | Froude number and Reynolds number | Lec 4 | GATE/ESE Civil Engineering.
Open Channel Flow | Hydraulic efficient section | Lec 5 | GATE/ESE Civil Engineering.
Open Channel Flow | Hydraulic efficient section part 2 | Lec 6 | GATE/ESE Civil Engineering.
Open Channel Flow | Hydraulic efficient section part 3 | Lec 7 | GATE/ESE Civil Engineering.
Open Channel Flow | Specific Energy curve and Dischage curve | Lec 8 | GATE/ESE Civil Engineering.
Open Channel Flow | Critical flow analysis | Lec 9 | GATE/ESE Civil Engineering.
Open Channel Flow | Channel transition Part 1 | Lec 10 | GATE/ESE Civil Engineering.
Open Channel Flow | Channel transition Part 2 | Lec 11 | GATE/ESE Civil Engineering.
Open Channel Flow | Channel transition Part 3 | Lec 12 | GATE/ESE Civil Engineering.
Open Channel Flow | Channel transition Part 4 | Lec 13 | GATE/ESE Civil Engineering.
Open Channel Flow | Gradually varied flow Part 1 | Lec 14 | GATE/ESE Civil Engineering.
Open Channel Flow | Gradually varied flow Part 2 | Lec 15 | GATE/ESE Civil Engineering.
Open Channel Flow | Gradually varied flow Part 3 | Lec 16 | GATE/ESE Civil Engineering.
Gradually varied flow Part 4 | Lec 17 | Open Channel Flow | GATE/ESE Civil Engineering.
Hydraulic Jump Part 1 | Lec 18 | Open Channel Flow | GATE/ESE Civil Engineering.
Open Channel Flow | Hydraulic Jump Part 2 | Lec 19 | GATE/ESE Civil Engineering.
Surge Part 1 | Lec 20 | Open Channel Flow | GATE/ESE Civil Engineering.
Surge Part 2 | Lec 21 | Open Channel Flow | GATE/ESE Civil Engineering.
Taught by
Unacademy GATE - CE, CH
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